Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tell me opinion about face cream from Avon.I'm 23years old,normal skin?

Especially I need opinion for creams: Avon Care extra firming face cream (200ml), Avon Care vita nourish face cream, and Avon Care Rich Moisture Face Cream. Are they suitable for my age and for normal skin? Witch one from them is the best for me?Can I use it like a night cream too?(I want to buy avon care extra firming face cream, but I'm not sure, mabye it is for older people?)

Thank youTell me opinion about face cream from Avon.I'm 23years old,normal skin?
The anew retroactive Day Defense is a great moisturizer for your type of skin.Tell me opinion about face cream from Avon.I'm 23years old,normal skin?
As far as the firming cream, it may be more beneficial to older people but I promise it wont hurt you. Yea that would be suitable for you age and you could also use it as a moisturizer after cleansing at night, too. www.youravon.com/lburkhart
Ive been using vita moist and rich moisture on my face for 20 years, since I was a teenager. I love it and would not use anything else. Both products are great.
Ask your avon representative about the Pesonal Beauty System. You answer a few questions about your skin type and it tells you the avon products that are best suited for your skin. www.youravon.com/lchetkauskas
Hi. I'm not sure which Avon cream you should be using but I have a suggestion in another product line. Try the Arbonne Intelligence line. It is formulated for your age and skin. You can view it at mishelmaree.myarbonne.com. It is more expensive than Avon products, but Arbonne has no fillers and really works great!
I think mostly older people use it...Avon sucks anyway...I think there product has funky smells to it...

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